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Annual Reports

2023 Annual Report

2023 was a year of resilience and growth for BCMF. With the COVID-19 emergency easing and borders reopening, we restored our referral services to pre-pandemic levels, while simultaneously also expanding our outreach projects again. We also provided expanded cardiac care partnerships with free echo-screenings, and opened the BCMF Bangkok Patient House. Furthermore, amid escalating conflict in Burma, we developed our emergency support program further. Learn more about our impactful work in the Annual Report 2023.

2021-2022 Biennial Report

Despite a difficult and challenging two years, BCMF continued to provide much needed services in Burma and Thailand. Our work in 2021-2022 continued to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but we were able to run a number of outreach projects while continuing to support access to health care for our patients. In 2021, in response to the coup in Burma, we launched our Emergency Support Project, providing much needed medical supplies and equipment, medications, and emergency food support to populations in Burma affected by the ensuing civil war. Learn more about our work and our projects in our Biennial Report 2021-2022.

2019 – 2020 Biennial Report

The last two years have been filled with exciting achievements and challenges. 2019 saw the expansion of our outreach projects as well as the establishment of a new project, allowing us to support more individuals and communities. The following year in 2020 brought obstacles amidst a worldwide pandemic. Although many outreach projects were postponed, we continued to support patients through our surgical program in Thailand and Burma. Our new partnership with Malteser International Thailand helped us reach more patients in refugee camps in northern Thailand. Read more about our work in our Biennial Report 2019 – 2020.



2018 Annual Report

2018 was another busy and successful year for BCMF. Although there was a decline in patient enrollment to our patient services program, there was an increase in individuals who benefited from our numerous outreach projects this year. Through the partner organisations from the previous years, BCMF established new partnerships with local organisations in Burma, Thailand, and even Laos! Another achievement under the outreach program was the newly launched Reproductive Health and Rights project. Added to the Wheelchair Project was the distribution of mobility carts, which were donated by a new partner from the US. BCMF’s The One Project was also completed in April of this year. A detailed and complete review of our work in 2018 can be found here.


2017 Annual Report



BCMF had another successful year in 2017. BCMF continued to see an increase in patients from our referral services program. As BCMF forged new partnerships in Burma, BCMF was able to reach more people in need of care during outreach missions. BCMF also carried out eye screening and wheelchair training and fitting missions in new locations in Burma, in addition to continuing to support a clinic in Karen State with medical supplies and schools along the Thai-Burma border with stationary supplies. Click on this link to read full annual report.




2016 Annual Report

BCMF’s  2016 Annual Report presents our organisation’s achievements and challenges during our 10th year in action. While staff and volunteers celebrated this major milestone, 2016 also saw the expansion of programs from previous years as well as the development of new projects. As a result of the increasing demand of services in Burma, we made the decision to register as an official organisation.

In 2016, 345 new patients were referred to BCMF; over 75% of these patients continued to arrive from rural areas in Burma. To meet the challenges faced by poor healthcare services and infrastructures in Burma and to help increase patient referrals in remote communities, BCMF implemented an internship program enrolling staff from partner clinics and organisations.

Learn more here about BCMF’s 10th year in action, including our programs, projects and featured patient stories.


2015 Annual Report


The BCMF 2015 Annual Report details the opportunities and challenges the BCMF team experienced in 2015. Again, BCMF experienced a significant increase in patient referrals and responded to an evolving and challenging work environment by seizing the opportunity to work with partner organisations in Burma, creating more points of access for both referral and treatment of patients. The report details stories from patients who received treatment in 2015, both in Burma and Thailand. Report highlights include: the expansion of our work into Burma in 2015 and the partners we are working with; our growing disability support services through our wheelchair project; activities in our BK Kee Chiang Mai Patient House; and profiles of BCMF patients who have undergone treatment and are now giving back to their community. Read the full report and the stories of our many inspiring patients here.



2014 Annual Report

The BCMF 2014 Annual Report details the work and the challenges of the past year. We enrolled a total of 295 patients, up from 261 in 2013 and saw an increase in the number of patients travelling from further inside Burma to the Thailand-Burma border for treatment. In order to better serve the people we aim to treat, BCMF implemented measures in 2014 to improve primary healthcare in areas that have long been neglected in Burma. Among other projects, BCMF commenced a pilot project in eastern Burma, providing support to a clinic that serves displaced people in Karen State. The risk of disease and death in eastern Burma remains substantially higher than in the country as a whole and is among the highest in Southeast Asia. Nearly half of our patients in 2014 claimed primary residence in eastern Burma, making it the ideal location to reach patients earlier in their illnesses. Read more in the BCMF 2014 Annual Report about the work we are doing, the patients we support and our plans for expanding services and programs to reach more patients inside Burma.



2013 Annual Report

For the year ending in December 2013, we reflect on the changes we have seen over the last year and what those changes mean for BCMF. In 2013, we enrolled a total of 261 patients, up from 189 in 2012. This represents a 38% increase in patient enrolment. The increase is largely imparted to sustained ceasefire in the Karen State, making it easier for patients to travel in search of treatment. BCMF have also seen a substantial increase in patients with complex diagnoses such as cardiac disease and cancer. In 2013, patients with cardiac disease represented 35% of our total caseload. Cancer patients have increased from 3 patients in 2012 to 17 patients in 2013. While cases needing complex medical treatment have increased, BCMF has also seen more patients needing treatment for more readily treatable conditions, such as kidney stones or enlarge prostrate. Read our 2013 Annual Report to find out more about BCMF patients’ conditions and the expected challenges for 2014.



2012 Annual Report

2012 annual reportBCMF is launching our 2012 Annual Report this week, and as we reflect on 2012 and the highlights and challenges that were, we also now look to 2013 and the challenges and achievements that the year has already brought, as well as the rest of the year ahead. In 2012, the number of patients treated was a major highlight for BCMF, and we were delighted to see the completion of treatment for two of our long-time patients Saw Pwel  (pictured below) and Naut Naut (whose stories are highlighted in the report). BCMF again saw an increase in our caseload in 2012, with 189 patients registered on the program – up 17% from 2011 (162  patients) and 49% since 2010 (127 patients).  We anticipate that in 2013 this increase will accelerate further, in part due to the increased mobility the changing political situation has given people in Burma – they can now travel with greater ease to the Thai-Burma border to seek treatment not available in Burma. Already in 2013 we have seen unprecedented numbers of patients registered in the program, 77 alone in the first quarter of 2013 (up from 41 in the last quarter of 2012).  If this rate of intake is maintained BCMF is facing a most significant increase in our caseload and will need to meet these challenges in 2013 We look forward to the year ahead and the many highlights and challenges our work here at BCMF always entails.  With the support of so many, both locally and internationally, we are confident we can meet the needs of our patients and the expected increased caseload for 2013. View the Burma Children Medical Fund Annual Report 2012 here For a hard copy of the report please contact [email protected]

Mission Reports

2018 Kamma Wheelchair Mission Report

In the middle of October 2018, BCMF held a wheelchair fitting and training workshop in Kamma, Magway Division. During the three-day mission, BCMF fitted adults and children with wheelchairs and mobility carts, while training over 60 members of local charities to complete future wheelchair fittings. To read the full report, click on this link.

2018 Training of Trainers: Female and Male Reproductive Health and Rights Report

In July 2018, BCMF held a Training of Trainers workshop in a remote area of Karen State. Trainees from six different villages participated in the workshop and learned how to hold their own workshops on reproductive health and rights in the future. To read the full report, click on this link.

2018 Magway Mission Report

At the end of April 2018, BCMF held an eye screening mission on a small island in Magway Division. During the eye screening, BCMF also screened patients for our referral program, fitted three adults and two children with wheelchairs and held two workshops on reproductive health and rights for women and girls. To read the full report, click on this link.

2018 Female Reproductive Health and Rights Education Report

BCMF held three workshops on Reproductive Health and Rights with women and girls in a remote part of Karen State. After the workshops BCMF distributed reusable pads. To read the full report, click on this link.

2018 Medicine Delivery to Hlaingbwe and Myawaddy Townships Report

At the beginning of the year, BCMF delivered medical supplies to remote clinics in Karen State. To read the full report, click on this link.

2018 Laos Wheelchair Mission Report

Check out BCMF’s wheelchair fitting mission to Laos in February! To read the full report, click on this link.

2018 Mae Hong Son Mission Report

For several months BCMF worked together with Civil Health and Development Network (CHDN) in Burma to identify patients that were born with cleft lip, cleft palate and foot malformation in Karenni State, Burma. With financial support from Operation Smile Thailand, BCMF arranged the transport of 13 patients and 12 caregivers from their villages in Karenni State, to Srisangwan Hospital in Mae Hong Son, Thailand. There they received facial reconstruction surgery. Read the full report here.

2018 Htantabin Mission Report

Eye health in Burma continues to be a challenge for many living in rural areas. While ophthalmology clinics operate primarily in urban areas, many patients are unable to access or pay for eye glasses let alone eye surgeries. To further compound this problem, most organisations are not equipped to properly screen and provide eye glasses. To fill this gap, BCMF has continued to support patients in need by conducting eye screening mission in remote areas of Burma. During BCMF’s latest eye screening mission, BCMF returned to the area of Htantabin Township, Yangon Division, to screen patients for eye glasses and refer patients for eye surgery. BCMF also conducted a puberty and menstrual health workshop during the mission as well as a wheelchair fitting and training.  Click here to read about our eye screening mission to Htantabin Township in January 2018!

2017 Htantabin Mission Report

In October 2017, BCMF travelled to Htantabin Township in Burma and held a four day long Eye Screening and Children’s Rights Training. The various activities were held in the Htantabin monastery who graciously hosted the BCMF delegation. This local cooperation ensured that participants felt safe seeking help from an out-of-country organization, and we screened 57% more people than our initial target goal called for. In addition, BCMF held various workshops on sexual and reproductive health, child rights and appropriate touch, as well as soap making and correct hand washing procedures. To read a full report, please click on 2017 Htantabin Mission Report.

2017 Stationery Project

One of BCMF’s ongoing projects is supporting 14 schools within the Ler Per Her area in Karen State, Burma. These schools have been severely affected by the decades-long civil war, and do not have enough resources to teach Karen students to their fullest potential. As most of the schools are deep in the jungle, BCMF crosses rivers and rutted paths to deliver stationery items on a regular basis. Last November, BCMF went to nine of these schools, as they were running out of school supplies. Would you like to know more about BCMF’s recent stationery project? Click here to find out more about our latest delivery!