In February 2011 students from several European countries will come together for the 6th annual Model United Nations conference. The conference will be held at Alfrink College in Zoetermeer (The Netherlands) and will give students a chance to enage in debates about global issues.
MUNA has chosen to support BCMF during their conference and the students are sponsoring a van of patients to travel to Chiang Mai for life-saving treatment on Thursday 3 February 2011. This van will depart the Mae Tao Clinic while MUNA is underway and it is a great opportunity for the participants to see that they can make a difference to the lives of children from Burma.
We would like to thank the organisers and the participants of MUNA 2011 and wish them a very successful conference. We will be thinking of you from the Thai-Burma border.
Please see our letter to the particpants on the following link: