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BCMF 2012 Annual Report

April 26, 2013  •  Posted in News

BCMF is launching our 2012 Annual Report this week, and as we reflect on 2012 and the highlights and challenges that were, we also now look to 2013 and the challenges and achievements that the year has already brought, as well as the rest of the year ahead.

In 2012, the number of patients treated was a major highlight for BCMF, and we were delighted to see the completion of treatment for two of our long-time patients Saw Pwel  (pictured below) and Naut Naut (whose stories are highlighted in the report).

Saw Pwel_2012 Annual Report

BCMF again saw an increase in our caseload in 2012, with 189 patients registered on the program – up 17% from 2011 (162  patients) and 49% since 2010 (127 patients).  We anticipate that in 2013 this increase will accelerate further, in part due to the increased mobility the changing political situation has given people in Burma – they can now travel with greater ease to the Thai-Burma border to seek treatment not available in Burma.

Already in 2013 we have seen unprecedented numbers of patients registered in the program, 77 alone in the first quarter of 2013 (up from 41 in the last quarter of 2012).  If this rate of intake is maintained BCMF is facing a most significant increase in our caseload and will need to meet these challenges in 2013

We look forward to the year ahead and the many highlights and challenges our work here at BCMF always entails.  With the support of so many, both locally and internationally, we are confident we can meet the needs of our patients and the expected increased caseload for 2013.

View the Burma Children Medical Fund Annual Report 2012 here

For a hard copy of the report please contact jacqui@burmachildren.com.